


e-Uparjan Yojana has been started by the government to benefit the farmers of the Madhya Pradesh.Through the e-Uparjan Application, a plan has been made to cover the entire Madhya Pradesh, through which monitoring of grains (wheat, paddy, jowar, millet, gram, lentils, mustard etc.) is done in every district of the state.Under this scheme, the farmers of Madhya Pradesh who want to sell food grains at the minimum support price during the season from the state government can register through e-uparjan portal.Farmers can easily register online through their computer or mobile sitting at home on e-Uparjan portal

e-Uparjan Process :
There are 6 steps under the process of e-Uparjan, in which farmer registration, giving purchase information through message, grain purchase, transportation, collection and payment etc. operations are done, so that a correct plan can be made.

  • District Supply Officer
  • District Manager (MPSCC)
  • DMO (Markfed)
  • Manager(M.P.W.L.C.)
  • District Central Cooperative Bank
  • Farmer

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